Any portfolio management company which has decided to dissolve early before the end of this period remains subject, until the end of its liquidation, to the supervision of the Autorité des marchés financiers, which may impose the sanctions provided for in article L. 621-15, including deregistration. It may only refer to its status as a portfolio management company by stating that it is in liquidation.
Notwithstanding the provisions of 4° and 5° of article 1844-7 of the Civil Code, the early dissolution of a portfolio management company may only be ordered after withdrawal of its authorisation by the Autorité des marchés financiers. Notwithstanding articles L. 123-1 and L. 237-3 of the French Commercial Code, the publication and amending entry in the Trade and Companies Register concerning the dissolution must mention the date of the decision by the Autorité des marchés financiers to withdraw authorisation.