I.-A fee is payable by the applicant for the performance by the Agency of the following operations:
1° Analysis of samples and evaluation of the documentation relating to the control protocol submitted by the manufacturer with a view to the release of batches of immunological medicinal products mentioned in 6° of Article L. 5121-1, blood-derived medicinal products mentioned in Article L. 5121-3 and substances which, if used separately from a medical device in which they are incorporated as an integral part, are likely to be considered as blood-derived medicinal products;
2° Inspections expressly requested by an establishment carrying out the activities mentioned in article L. 5138-4 in order to verify compliance with the good practices mentioned in article L. 5138-3 and to issue, where applicable, the certificate attesting to such compliance;
3° The supply of reference substances from the French pharmacopoeia;
4° The issue of quality attestations intended for exporters of medicinal products.
The amount of the fee is set by decree and may not exceed:
a) €4,000 for the operations mentioned in 1°;
b) €15,000 for the operations mentioned in 2°;
c) €120 for the operation mentioned in 3°;
d) €3,500 for the operation mentioned in 4°.
II – The Agency settles the amount of the fee due for each operation, which gives rise to the issue of a collection order issued by the Ministry of Health. The fee is recovered from the Caisse Nationale de l’Assurance Maladie in accordance with the procedures in force for debts other than taxes and property.