Workers who are unemployed and who have exhausted their unemployment insurance rights under the specific provisions relating to performing artists and to workers and technicians in sound recording, film and audiovisual production, radio, broadcasting and performing arts, appended to the general regulations appended to the agreement relating to aid for the return to employment and unemployment compensation may receive specific unemployment compensation benefits under the national solidarity scheme under the following conditions:
1° Not meeting the conditions for receiving the self-employed workers’ allowance provided for in article L. 5424-25 or the conditions for receiving the specific solidarity allowance provided for in article L. 5423-1 ;
2° Satisfy the conditions for previous professional activity and coverage under a replacement income scheme.
These allowances are paid by the State. They are managed by Pôle emploi under the terms of an agreement entered into with the State.
These allowances are transferable and seizable under the same conditions and within the same limits as salaries.
A decree will determine the application of this article.