1. New inventions involving an inventive step and capable of industrial application shall be patentable in all fields of technology.
2. The following in particular shall not be regarded as inventions within the meaning of the first paragraph of this Article:
a) Discoveries as well as scientific theories and mathematical methods;
b) Aesthetic creations;
c) Plans, principles and methods in the exercise of intellectual activities, in gaming or in the field of economic activities, as well as computer programs;
d) Presentations of information.
3. The provisions of 2 of this Article shall exclude the patentability of the elements listed in the said provisions only in so far as the patent application or patent relates to only one of those elements considered as such.
4. Subject to the provisions of Articles L. 611-16 to L. 611-19, inventions relating to a product consisting wholly or partly of biological material, or to a process for producing, treating or using biological material, are patentable under the conditions laid down in 1.
Biological material is considered to be material that contains genetic information and can reproduce itself or be reproduced in a biological system.