When it appears to the statutory auditor that the urgency requires the adoption of immediate measures and the manager refuses to do so or indicates that he is considering measures that the statutory auditor considers insufficient, the statutory auditor may inform the president of the competent court as soon as the first information is given, pursuant to articles L. 234-1, L. 234-2, L. 251-15 and L. 612-3, to the chairman of the board of directors or supervisory board or to the manager.
In this case, the statutory auditor shall inform the president of the court by any means and without delay of his findings and actions. He may send him copies of all documents useful for this information and set out the reasons that led him to note the inadequacy of the decisions taken.
The statutory auditor may, on his own initiative or at the request of the president of the court, send the latter any additional information likely to give him accurate information on the economic and financial situation of the company.
The statutory auditor may also, at any time, ask to be heard, along with the managers, by the president of the court.