When the statutory auditor of a legal entity referred to in Articles L. 612-1 and L. 612-4 identifies, in the course of carrying out his assignment, facts likely to jeopardise the continued operation of that legal entity, he shall inform the managers of the legal entity in accordance with conditions set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
If no response is received within a period set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, or if the response does not provide assurance that the legal entity is a going concern, the statutory auditor invites the directors, in writing, a copy of which is sent to the president of the judicial court, to have the collegiate body of the legal entity deliberate on the facts identified. The statutory auditor is invited to attend this meeting. The deliberations of the collegiate body are communicated to the social and economic committee and to the president of the judicial court.
When the collegiate body of the legal entity has not been convened to deliberate on the facts noted or when the statutory auditor has not been convened to this meeting or if the statutory auditor notes that, despite the decisions taken, the continuity of operations remains compromised, a general meeting is convened under the conditions and within the deadlines set by decree of the Conseil d’Etat. The statutory auditor draws up a special report which is presented to this meeting. This report is communicated to the social and economic committee.
If, at the end of the general meeting, the statutory auditor finds that the decisions taken do not enable the company to continue as a going concern, he shall inform the president of the court of his actions and communicate the results to him.
Within six months of the commencement of the proceedings, the statutory auditor may resume the proceedings at the point at which he considered that they could be terminated if, despite the factors on which his assessment was based, the continuity of the business remains compromised and the urgency requires the adoption of immediate measures.
The provisions of this article do not apply when conciliation or safeguard proceedings have been initiated by the debtor pursuant to articles L. 611-6 and L. 620-1.