Any association having received annually from the administrative authorities, within the meaning of l’article 1er de la loi du 12 avril 2000, ou des établissements publics à caractère industriel et commercial une ou plusieurs subventions en numéraire dont le montant global dépasse un seuil fixé par décret, doit établir des comptes annuels comprenant un bilan, un compte de résultat et une annexe dont les modalités d’établissement sont fixés par décret. These associations must ensure, under conditions determined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, that their annual accounts and the auditor’s report are made public.
These same associations are required to appoint at least one auditor and, when the conditions defined in the second paragraph of I of Article L. 823-1 are met, an alternate.
The penalties provided for in Article L. 242-8 are applicable to the directors of the associations mentioned in the first paragraph of this article who have not, each year, drawn up a balance sheet, income statement and notes to the accounts or ensured the publication of their annual accounts and the auditor’s report.
At the request of any interested party or of the State representative in the département where the association has its registered office, the president of the court, ruling in summary proceedings, may order the directors of any association mentioned in the first paragraph to ensure the publication of the annual accounts and the auditor’s report, subject to a fine. The president may, under the same conditions and for the same purpose, appoint an agent to carry out these formalities.