The private practitioner chooses whether to receive his fees directly or, by way of derogation from the provisions of article L. 162-2 of the Social Security Code, through the hospital administration. The choice made by the practitioner applies to all the establishments in which the shared private practice is carried out.
The managing bodies of a basic health insurance scheme communicate to the director and the chairman of the private practice commission mentioned in article L. 6154-5 of the establishment(s) where the self-employed activity is carried out, with information on his income, the number of his consultations, the number and nature of the procedures he performs and any excess fees, with a view to exercising the prerogatives provided for in this chapter.
The practitioner’s self-employed activity gives rise to the payment of a fee to the establishment or, in the event of shared activity within the groupement hospitalier de territoire, to the establishments, under conditions determined by decree.
The public establishment where the self-employed activity is carried out pays a proportion of the technical fee to the practitioner hospital radiologist for scanning procedures when these procedures are carried out as part of the practitioner’s self-employed activity. The conditions of application of this provision are laid down by regulation.