The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), an independent public authority, ensures the protection of savings invested in financial instruments, the units referred to inArticle L. 229-7 of the Environmental Code and the assets referred to in II of Article L. 421-1 of this Code that are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated market and in any other investments offered to the public. It also ensures that investors are informed and that the markets for financial instruments, units referred to in article L. 229-7 of the Environmental Code and assets referred to in II of article L. 421-1 of this code operate smoothly. It helps to regulate these markets at European and international level. It ensures the quality of the information provided by management companies for the management of collective investments on their investment strategy and their management of the risks associated with the effects of climate change.
In carrying out its duties, the AMF shall take account of the objectives of financial stability throughout the European Union and the European Economic Area and of convergent implementation of national and European Union provisions, taking into account best practices and recommendations arising from European Union supervisory arrangements. It cooperates with the competent authorities in other countries.
It shall also ensure that the undertakings under its supervision implement the appropriate means to comply with the approved codes of conduct referred to in Article L. 611-3-1.