I.-The administration of the company is carried out by its manager.
II.-When the court, in application of the provisions of Article L. 621-4, appoints one or more administrators, it instructs them together or separately to supervise the debtor in its management or to assist it with all or some of the acts of management.
III.-In its mission of assistance, the administrator is required to comply with the legal and contractual obligations incumbent on the head of the business.
IV.-At any time, the court may modify the administrator’s mission at the request of the administrator, the judicial representative or the public prosecutor.
V.-The administrator may operate under his signature the bank or postal accounts held by the debtor if the debtor has been subject to the prohibitions provided for in articles 65-2 and 68, third paragraph, of the decree of 30 October 1935 unifying the law relating to cheques.