En application de l’article LO 6271-5, une dotation globale de fonctionnement est instituée afin de contribuer à compenser les accroissements nets de charges de la collectivité de Saint-Barthélemy résultant des transferts de compétences de l’Etat à son profit.
This overall operating grant is determined under the conditions provided for in the first paragraph of article L. 3334-1 and to article L. 3334-2, without application of Article L. 3334-7-1. The lump-sum allocation is calculated in accordance with the conditions set out in Article L. 3334-3. The amount of the guarantee is equal to the cumulative amount of the global operating grant paid to the Commune of Saint-Barthélemy in 2007, pursuant to articles L. 2334-7, L. 2334-13, L. 2334-14-1, L. 2563-3 and L. 2563-4. The share of the equalisation allowance is calculated in accordance with the conditions set out in articles L. 3334-4 and L. 3443-1.
Given the positive difference between the amount of taxes and the amount of expenses transferred by the State to the Saint-Barthélemy collectivity, the total amount of the global operating grant calculated in 2008 for the benefit of the latter, in accordance with the previous paragraph, is not paid to it and is deducted from the State budget. For the same reason, no further global operating grant is due to the collectivity of Saint-Barthélemy from 2009.