Training courses other than those mentioned in article L. 6321-2 also constitute actual working time and, while they are in progress, give rise to continued remuneration by the company, with the exception of :
1° Training activities determined by collective agreement at company level or, failing that, at branch level, which may take place, in whole or in part, outside working time, depending on the case, either within an hourly limit per employee, or within a limit corresponding to a percentage of the fixed rate for employees whose working time is fixed by a fixed rate agreement in days or hours over the year, fixed by the said agreement. The agreement may also stipulate the compensatory measures implemented by the employer to offset the cost of childcare for employees who attend training courses outside working hours;
2° In the absence of a collective agreement and with the employee’s consent, training courses which may take place, in whole or in part, outside working hours, up to a limit of thirty hours per year and per employee. For employees whose working hours are set by a fixed-term agreement in days or hours over the year, this limit is set at 2% of the fixed-term agreement.
The employee’s agreement is formalised and may be terminated.
A decree in the Conseil d’Etat will specify the application of this article.