For each product benefiting from a geographical indication for which it ensures the defence and management, the body :
<1° Drafts the product specification, submits it to the Institut national de la propriété industrielle for approval and contributes to its application by operators;
2° Submits any draft amendment to the product specification to the Institut national de la propriété industrielle;
3° Ensures that the operations to monitor operators by the bodies mentioned in Article L. 721-9 are carried out in accordance with the conditions laid down in the specifications. It informs the Institut national de la propriété industrielle of the results of the checks carried out and the corrective measures applied;
4° Ensures the representativeness of the operators in its rules of composition and operation;
5° Keeps the list of operators up to date and sends updates to the Institut national de la propriété industrielle, which publishes them in the Bulletin officiel de la propriété industrielle ;
6° Excludes, after formal notice, any operator who does not comply with the specifications and has not taken the corrective measures mentioned in 3°, and excludes any operator whose certification has been ungranted, suspended or withdrawn by the certification body mentioned in Article L. 721-9;
7° Participates in actions to defend, protect and promote the geographical indication, products and know-how, as well as statistical knowledge of the sector.