The Congress of Elected Representatives is chaired by the president of the assembly of the territorial authority.
In the event of absence or impediment, the vice-presidents of the assembly deputise for him or her in the order of their appointment.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART SEVEN: OTHER COLLECTIVITIES GOVERNED BY ARTICLE 73 OF THE CONSTITUTION | BOOK III: COMMON PROVISIONS | TITLE II: THE CONGRESS OF ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES | CHAPTER II : Chairmanship | Article L7322-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The Congress of Elected Representatives is chaired by the president of the assembly of the territorial authority.
In the event of absence or impediment, the vice-presidents of the assembly deputise for him or her in the order of their appointment.
Le congrès des élus est présidé par le président de l’assemblée de la collectivité territoriale.
En cas d’absence ou d’empêchement, les vice-présidents de l’assemblée le suppléent dans l’ordre de leur nomination.
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