I.-Subject to the adaptations provided for in II and III, the articles mentioned in the left-hand column of the table below shall apply in French Polynesia, in the wording indicated in the right-hand column of the same table:
Applicable articles | In the wording resulting from |
L. 631-1 |
Ordinance no. 2020-115 of 12 February 2020 |
L. 631-2 |
Law 2013-672 of 26 July 2013 |
L. 631-2-1, with the exception of its twentieth paragraph |
Order no. 2017-484 of 6 April 2017 |
L. 631-2-2 |
Order no. 2017-1107 of 22 June 2017 |
L. 631-2-3 |
Law no. 2013-672 of 26 July 2013 |
II – For the purposes of I, references to the guarantee funds established by the Insurance, Social Security and Mutual Insurance Codes do not apply.
III.-For the application of the articles mentioned in the table above:
1° In article L. 631-1:
a) The second paragraph of II is replaced by the following provisions:
“The Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution, the Autorité des marchés financiers and the Institut d’émission d’outre-mer may enter into an agreement with the locally competent competition authority, in order to organise the communication of information useful for the proper performance of their respective missions.
“The Banque de France, the Institut d’émission des départements d’outre-mer, the Institut d’émission d’outre-mer, the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution and the locally competent administrative authority in charge of competition shall provide each other with information that is useful for the performance of their respective duties in order to ensure compliance with the credit transfer and direct debit transactions in euros defined in Article L. 722-1. ”
b) The last two paragraphs of II are deleted;
c) In the fourth paragraph of III, references to tax procedures and to safeguard procedures, receivership or compulsory liquidation are understood to mean procedures initiated on the basis of provisions in force locally with the same effect;
2° In the first paragraph of Article L. 631-2-2, after the word “may”, the following words are inserted: “call upon the expertise of the Institut d’émission d’outre-mer. It may also”.