Labour inspectors are members of either the corps of labour inspectors or the corps of labour inspectors until their corps ceases to exist.
They are guaranteed independence in the performance of their duties in accordance with the international conventions on labour inspection.
They are responsible for ensuring the application of the provisions of the Labour Code and other legal provisions relating to the labour system, as well as the stipulations of collective labour agreements meeting the conditions set out in Book II of Part Two.
They are also responsible, concurrently with officers and agents of the judicial police, for recording breaches of these provisions and stipulations.
Labour inspection officers are involved in defining the collective guidelines and priorities of general interest for the labour inspection system set each year by the Minister responsible for labour after consultation with representative trade unions and employers’ organisations, and they contribute to their implementation.
They are free to organise and conduct inspections on their own initiative and decide what action to take.
The powers of Labour Inspectorate control officers may be exercised by equivalent control officers under conditions laid down by regulation.