When the administrative authority is aware of an official report of an infringement provided for in 1° to 4° of article L. 8211-1, it may, if the proportion of employees concerned so warrants, having regard to the repetition or seriousness of the acts observed, order, by reasoned decision taken against the person who committed the infringement, the exclusion from the administrative contracts mentioned in articles L. 551-1 and L. 551-5 of the Code of Administrative Justice, for a period not exceeding six months. It shall immediately notify the Public Prosecutor.
The exclusion order is automatically lifted if the case is dismissed, if there is no case to answer or if there is an acquittal or if the criminal court does not impose the additional penalty of exclusion from public contracts mentioned in 5° of article 131-39 of the Criminal Code.
The procedures for applying this article shall be laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.