Sont soumis aux dispositions de l’article LO 6451-1 the following acts:
1° Deliberations of the Territorial Council or decisions taken by delegation of the Territorial Council pursuant to articles LO 6462-10 and LO 6462-12;
2° Regulatory and individual decisions taken by the President of the Territorial Council in the exercise of his police powers pursuant to article LO 6462-6, with the exception of those relating to traffic and parking;
3° Acts of a regulatory nature issued by the authorities of the local authority in all other areas that fall within their remit pursuant to the law;
4° Agreements relating to contracts, with the exception of contracts awarded without prior formality due to their amount, and loans as well as concession or leasing agreements for local public services of an industrial or commercial nature and partnership contracts ;
5° Individual decisions relating to appointment, advancement in grade or step, compulsory retirement, penalties subject to the opinion of the disciplinary board for civil servants, as well as individual decisions relating to the recruitment, including the employment contract, and dismissal of non-tenured staff, with the exception of those taken in the context of a seasonal or occasional need, in application of the statutory provisions relating to the local civil service ;
6° Requisition orders for the accountant taken by the president of the territorial council;
7° Decisions relating to the exercise of public authority prerogatives, taken by local semi-public companies on behalf of the local authority;
8° Building permits and other individual land use authorisations.