For the application of 5° of Article L. 112-2, are exempt from seizure as being necessary for the life and work of the distrainee debtor and his family:
1° Clothing;
2° Bedding;
3° Household linen;
4° Objects and products necessary for personal care and maintenance of the premises;
5° Foodstuffs;
6° Household objects necessary for the preservation, preparation and consumption of food;
7° Heating appliances;
8° A table and chairs for communal meals;
9° A unit for storing linen and clothing and another for storing household items;
10° A washing machine;
11° books and other items required for study or vocational training;
12° children’s items;
13° personal or family souvenirs;
14° pets or animals for keeping;
15° animals intended for the seized person’s subsistence as well as the foodstuffs required for their rearing;
16° work tools required for the personal exercise of the professional activity;
17° a telephone allowing access to the fixed or mobile telephone service.