The approval of practitioners referred to in Article R. 1131-6 is issued by the Director General of the Agence de la biomédecine, for a period of five years. It may be limited to some of the analyses mentioned in 1° and 2° of Article R. 1131-2.
The application for approval shall be made in accordance with a standard dossier drawn up by the Director General of the Agency, which shall include the identity of the applicant, his/her qualifications, information enabling his/her training and experience to be assessed and, where applicable, identification of the structure or structures in which he/she practises.
The application for approval is sent to the Director General of the Agence de la biomédecine by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt, or lodged with the Agency under the same conditions.
The Director of the Agency will acknowledge receipt of the application. Where documents essential to the examination of the application are missing, the acknowledgement of receipt sets the deadline by which these documents must be provided.
As part of the examination of the application for authorisation, the Director General of the Agency may request, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, any additional information that he considers necessary for the examination of the application for authorisation. He shall indicate to the applicant the time limit within which this information must be provided. This request for information suspends the deadline mentioned in the previous paragraph.