The opinion of the College provided for in article L. 1142-24-5 specifies, for each head of loss, the circumstances, causes, nature and extent of the damage suffered and its assessment of the liabilities incurred. It also states whether or not the victim’s condition has been consolidated by the date it is issued.
The Office will send the opinion by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the claimant, the persons against whom the proceedings have been brought and their insurers. The college’s opinion shall specify, where applicable, if the person or persons considered to be liable have not communicated the name of their insurer or if they have indicated that they are not insured. It is also sent to the medical services of the social security organisations to which the victim is or was affiliated at the time of the injury suffered, as well as to those of other third-party payers of benefits paid in respect of this injury.
The notice informs the claimant that he may refer the matter to the Office if the insurer or the person liable has not made an offer of compensation within three months of receiving the notice. It is accompanied by the documents drawn up in application of 3° of article R. 1142-51.