In order to provide or coordinate therapeutic patient education, the persons referred to in articles D. 1161-1 and R. 1161-3 must have the following skills:
1° Technical skills enabling them to provide patients with useful information about their illness and treatment, and to supply the elements required for monitoring and organisation. In the case of coordination, these skills are adapted to the design of intervention and data analysis systems and to the team leadership strategy;
2° Relational and educational skills enabling a partnership to be developed with patients. For coordination, these skills are adapted to the development of learning and exchanges within teams and with partners;
3° Organisational skills enabling the planning of actions and the management of a therapeutic patient education project. In the case of coordination, these skills are adapted to the planning and evaluation of actions and the identification of the most appropriate communication channels.
The reference frameworks for these skills and the recommendations for their acquisition are set by order of the Minister for Health.