In blood establishments, venous blood samples taken from the elbow and capillary blood samples taken from a donor may be taken, under the direction and responsibility of the doctor mentioned in article R. 1222-20, by :
1° The medical laboratory technicians mentioned in article L. 4352-2, who took up their duties after the date of entry into force of the first order issued in application of 2° of this article ;
2° The medical laboratory technicians mentioned in article L. 4352-2, who took up their duties before the date of entry into force of the order mentioned in 1° and who hold the certificate of competence to take blood samples mentioned in article R. 4352-13 or a similar certificate issued prior to 9 December 1980;
3° The medical laboratory technicians referred to in article L. 4352-3, who hold the certificate of competence to take blood samples referred to in article R. 4352-13 or a similar certificate issued prior to 9 December 1980;
4° Persons performing the duties of medical laboratory technician referred to in articles L. 4352-3-1 and L. 4352-3-2, who hold the certificate of competence to take blood samples referred to in article R. 4352-13 or a similar certificate issued prior to 9 December 1980.
5° Medical students who have completed the second year of the second cycle of medical studies and who have undergone training provided by the Etablissement Français du Sang to take blood samples.