Without prejudice to the provisions of articles R. 1321-27, R. 1321-28 and R. 1321-28-1, whether or not the quality limits and references, indicative values and vigilance values have been complied with or satisfied, the Prefect, when he considers, on the basis of a report from the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, that the distribution of water constitutes a risk to people’s health, asks the person responsible for producing or distributing the water, taking into account the risks to which they would be exposed by an interruption in distribution or a restriction in the use of water intended for human consumption, to restrict or even interrupt distribution or to take any other measure necessary to protect people’s health.
The person responsible for producing or distributing the water informs the mayor and the director general of the regional health agency, who forwards this information to the territorially competent prefect of the effective application of the measures taken.
For packaged water, the provisions applicable are those of article R. 1322-44-8.