It is forbidden to introduce into wastewater collection systems:
a) Directly or through pipes in buildings, any solid, liquid or gaseous matter likely to be the cause either of a danger to operating staff or to the residents of buildings connected to the collection system, or of damage to sewerage and treatment works, or of a hindrance to their operation;
b) Solid waste, including shredded waste;
c) Spring water or groundwater, including when it has been used in heat treatment or air-conditioning installations;
d) Drainage water from swimming pools.
However, municipalities acting in application of article L. 1331-10 may derogate from c and d of the previous paragraph, provided that the characteristics of the collection and treatment works allow this and that the discharges have no influence on the quality of the receiving environment of the final discharge. Where necessary, exemptions may be granted subject to pre-treatment before discharge into the collection systems.