I.-A dwelling is used in conditions that clearly lead to over-occupation in accordance witharticle L. 1331-23 and is therefore unfit for habitation within the meaning ofarticle L. 1331-22:
-when it is occupied by more than two people per living room ;
-or when it does not comply with the conditions set out in the article R. 822-25 du code de la construction et de l’habitation to qualify for personal housing assistance.
II.By way of derogation from I, residential premises located in Mayotte are considered to be over-occupied when, in the event of the arrival at the home of a spouse or dependent child within the meaning ofOrder no. 2002-149 of 7 February 2002 relating to the extension and generalisation of family benefits and social protection in the Department of Mayotte, the average living area per occupant is less than 13 square metres for two occupants, increased by 6 square metres per additional occupant up to eight occupants, and less than 54 square metres for nine people or more.