It provides medical, technical and scientific expertise, particularly at the request of the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, to health establishments, medico-social establishments or services and to any health professional regardless of where or how they practice. This contribution takes the form of :
1° Methodological support to promote the reporting, management and analysis of the immediate causes and root causes of the serious adverse events associated with healthcare mentioned in Article R. 1413-67, as well as for the implementation of action plans including corrective actions and their evaluation;
2° Methodological support for the definition and implementation, in ambulatory care structures, health establishments and medico-social establishments or services, of a programme for managing risks associated with care;
3° Expertise with a view to improving the quality of care and patient safety and preventing the occurrence of adverse events associated with care, throughout the patient care process;
4° The organisation of training and information on the quality of care and patient safety;
5° Participation in research into the organisation of care with a view to optimising the quality of care and patient safety.