In addition to its Chairman, the Agency’s Steering Committee comprises twenty-eight members:
1° Three deputies and three senators appointed by their respective assemblies ;
2° One member or former member of the Conseil d’Etat with a grade at least equal to that of councillor, appointed by the vice-chairman of the Conseil d’Etat;
3° One member or former member of the Court of Cassation of a grade at least equal to that of councillor, appointed by the first president of this court;
4° A member of the National Consultative Ethics Committee for Life Sciences and Health, appointed by the chairman of this committee;
5° One member of the Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme, appointed by the chairman of this commission;
6° Six scientific experts, including :
a) Three specialised in the field of reproductive medicine, reproductive biology, genetics and prenatal and pre-implantation diagnosis;
b) Three specialised in organ, tissue and cell removal and transplantation;
7° Six qualified persons recognised for their experience in the Agency’s fields of activity or in the human, social, moral or political sciences;
8° Six representatives of associations, including :
a) Two representatives of associations of patients and users of the healthcare system ;
b) One representative of disabled people’s associations;
c) Two representatives of family associations ;
d) One representative of associations involved in protecting the rights of individuals.
The Chairman of the Steering Committee may, on his or her own initiative or on that of one of the members of the Committee, invite to Committee meetings any person whose presence he or she considers useful. The Director General of the Agence de la biomédecine attends these meetings and may also be assisted by any person of his choice.
The Chairman of the Medical and Scientific Committee also attends meetings of the Agency’s Policy Board as and when required, in an advisory capacity.