For their application to Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy, articles R. 1435-1 to R. 1435-7 are amended as follows:
1° Article R. 1435-2 is amended as follows:
a) I is replaced by the following provisions:
“I.-A joint protocol for Guadeloupe and the local authorities of Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy is drawn up between the Director General of the Health Agency and the Prefect of Guadeloupe, and the State representative in the local authorities of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin. It comprises three sections, corresponding to each of the local authorities within the agency’s territorial jurisdiction.
“This protocol relates to the services provided for the Prefect of Guadeloupe and the representative of the State in the local authorities of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin by the health agency, in application of article R. 1435-1. ”
b) In II, the words: “the departmental protocol” are replaced by the words: “the protocol mentioned in I”;
3° In articles R. 1435-3, R. 1435-4, R. 1435-5 and R. 1435-6, the words: “the departmental protocol” are replaced by the words: “the protocol mentioned in a of 1° of article R. 1442-25”.
4° The first paragraph of article R. 1435-7 is replaced by the following provisions:
“The health security conference common to Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy is responsible, under the chairmanship of the Prefect of Guadeloupe, for : “.