Insofar as they are necessary to pursue the purposes mentioned in Article R. 15-33-61-4, the following information and personal data may be recorded:
1° Concerning individuals:
a) In criminal proceedings and proceedings other than criminal proceedings under the jurisdiction of the liberty and custody judge, concerning witnesses, persons under investigation or assisted witnesses, defendants, accused persons, persons subject to extradition proceedings or a European arrest warrant, victims and civil parties:
-identity: civil status, birth name, customary name, first names, aliases, gender, dates of birth and death, commune of birth, code and name of country of birth, nationality, number and date of issue of identity document, issuing authority, town and country of issue abroad;
-filiation: birth name and forenames of father and mother, and of the holder of parental authority in the case of minors;
-family status: marital status, number of children, number of brothers and sisters, rank in the siblings;
-level of education and training, diplomas, distinctions;
-address, declared address (according to the French postal standard), e-mail address, home telephone, mobile telephone;
working life: profession, socio-professional category code, type of activity code, employment status, employer’s company name, work telephone, elective office, immunity, for career military personnel military status;
-language, dialect spoken;
-agreement of the person concerned to the implementation of criminal electronic communication, under the conditions provided for in II of Article 803-1;
-banking details, except concerning witnesses: bank code, over-the-counter code, name of the bank branch, postcode of the account branch, name of the account holder, account number, date of issue of the payment voucher, name of the holder entered on the bank card;
b) In the context of educational assistance proceedings:
-identity: title, birth name, customary name, alias, first names, X saying, sex, dates of birth and death, town of birth, code and name of country of birth, nationality, number and date of issue of identity document, authority issuing the document, town and country of issue abroad;
-address, declared address (according to the French postal standard), home telephone;
-filiation: father’s birth name and forenames and mother’s birth name or customary name and forenames;
-family situation: number of brothers and sisters, rank in siblings;
-age according to expert opinion;
-exercise of parental authority;
-absence of a legal representative on the territory;
-level of education and training, diplomas, school year, class, school establishment;
-address, declared address (according to the French postal standard), home telephone;
-currently on the run;
c) In the context of civil proceedings registered by public prosecutors’ offices:
-identity: birth name, customary name, first names, sex, dates of birth and death, commune of birth, code and name of country of birth, nationality, file reference;
-address, declared address (according to the French postal standard);
in addition, concerning minors, all the information listed in b;
d) In the context of commercial proceedings registered by public prosecutors’ offices:
-declarant: title, birth name, first names, position in the company;
-identification: company name/reason, legal status, trade name, acronym, SIREN or SIRET number, legal form, number in the trade and companies register, date and place of creation of the company;
-criminal record, date of suspension of payments;
-head office or place of business, address, postcode, wording city associated with the postcode, Cedex, country;
e) Concerning lawyers:
-birth or customary name and forenames;
-number of affiliation to the Caisse nationale des barreaux français;
-name of the bar to which the lawyer is attached, postal address of the firm, internal address: toque number, reference or local address in the jurisdiction, e-mail address, telephone number and fax number of the law firm;
f) Concerning staff of the Ministry of Justice:
-birth or customary name and forename;
-corps and/or grade, function;
-staff member’s administrative position code, mnemonic of the staff member’s department, wording of the department.
2° Concerning offences, convictions or security measures:
-judicial status of persons during the proceedings, antecedents relating to convictions of the perpetrator;
-criminal status of a person at a point in the proceedings, prison number, expected date of release;
-mode of appearance before the court, nature of the judgment;
-amount claimed for damages or provision;
-offences to which the proceedings relate: terms of participation in the offence, unit of blood alcohol level, repeat offence, nature of offence code NATINF and its wording, INSEE code of the commune where the offence was committed, start date of the offence, end date of the offence;
-sentence pronounced, wording of the sentence and measure, reasons, obligations.