To determine the additional allocation required to renew the rolling stock fleet provided for in the fourth paragraph of Article L. 1614-8-1, rolling stock which, having been the subject of depreciation allowances entered in the account of these services or having been made available to these services, was actually used during the year 2000 for the needs of these services, shall be deemed to be assigned to the services transferred to each region.
To calculate the additional allocation due to each region, one thirtieth of the renewal value of the fleet of equipment defined above is retained, determined on the basis of the value of a new self-propelled vehicle and a new towed vehicle estimated at 1,677,000 euros and 1,143,000 euros respectively, with a multiplying coefficient of 1.25 being applied to the value of double-deck equipment. The amount thus obtained is increased by 15% to cover the cost of modernising the equipment during its useful life. For rolling stock for which a depreciation allowance has been entered in the SNCF’s certified account for the 2000 financial year relating to the region’s regional passenger services, it is reduced by the amount of this allowance net of subsidy write-backs.