The share of each authority responsible for organising school transport for special public road transport services reserved for pupils is established by the prefect under the following conditions:
1° When all the service points of a special service were, during the 1983-1984 school year, located within the same urban transport perimeter, the corresponding right to compensation is allocated to the authority competent for the organisation of urban transport ;
2° Where all the service points of a special service were during the 1983-1984 school year located outside urban transport perimeters, the corresponding right to compensation is allocated to the département;
3° In other cases, the amount of the right to compensation corresponding to the special service existing previously is shared or allocated by agreement between the département and the authority or authorities competent for the organisation of urban transport. In the absence of an agreement notified by one of the authorities concerned to the prefect before 31 July 1984, the right to compensation is allocated to the département, unless during the 1983-1984 school year the service was organised by one of the authorities competent for the organisation of urban transport; in the latter case the right to compensation is allocated to the latter authority;
4° By way of derogation from 3° above, when the special service was organised, under the conditions provided for in the second paragraph of Article 30 of law n° 83-663 of 22 July 1983 supplementing law n° 83-8 of 7 January 1983 relating to the distribution of powers between communes, départements, regions and the State, by a commune, a group of communes, a mixed syndicate, an educational establishment, a parents’ association or a family association, the right to compensation is allocated to the département; however if the main purpose of the special service was to provide transport for pupils within an urban transport perimeter, the right to compensation is allocated to the authority responsible for organising urban transport within this perimeter by reasoned order of the prefect.