After evaluating the information reported to him/her, the Director General of the Agence de la biomédecine analyses the appropriateness of the corrective measures put in place. If the latter appear to be insufficient or inappropriate, he/she immediately informs the local correspondent of the vigilance system for medically assisted procreation who reported the event to him/her, and if necessary, proposes recommendations.
Where appropriate, it will draw up recommendations to limit the probability of serious incidents or unexpected adverse events occurring, and to reduce their severity. It informs the local correspondents for the vigilance system for medically assisted procreation concerned of these recommendations.
If, after evaluating the information reported to it, it finds that this requires measures falling within the remit of the regional health agency, it sends the directors concerned the information they need to take the necessary measures.
The methods of transmitting this information, in particular the deadlines for transmission and the procedures implemented, are set out in an agreement between the Director General of the Agence de la biomédecine and the Directors General of each of the Regional Health Agencies.