The financial securities referred to in the first paragraph of Article L. 224-3 of this Code are :
1° The assets, units or shares listed in 1°, 2°, 2° bis, 2° ter, 3°, 4°, 5°, 7°, 7° ter, 7° quater and 8° of article R. 332-2 of the Insurance Code ;
2° Shares in commercial companies mentioned in 6° of the same article;
3° The shares referred to in 9° ter and 9° sexies of the same article and meeting the following conditions:
a) They provide in their articles of association or by-laws, without any restriction other than that provided for in Article L. 214-67-1 of this Code, for the redemption of units or shares no later than two months after the holder has made the request;
b) They invest at least 20% of their property assets in buildings constructed, rented or offered for rent, under the conditions defined in Articles R. 214-86 to R. 214-88 of this Code;
4° Units or shares in non-trading property investment companies mentioned in Article L. 214-114 of this Code. When the retirement savings plan gives rise to subscription to a group insurance contract, these units or shares are subscribed under the conditions set out in articles R. 131-2 to R. 131-4 of the Insurance Code.
In addition to the financial securities mentioned in 1° to 4° of this article, payments made into a company pension savings plan may also be allocated to the acquisition of units in company mutual funds mentioned in VII of article L. 214-164 of this code.
Commission retrocessions relating to the management or distribution of the financial securities mentioned in this article may be paid to the retirement savings plan manager, within the meaning of article L. 224-8 of this code, be paid to the plan distributor or be allocated to the plan. Where applicable, the retirement savings plan shall specify the terms and conditions for the allocation of these retrocessions and the terms and conditions for informing holders of this allocation.