More than half of the members of the Supervisory Committee do not hold, or have not held during the three years preceding their appointment, any interest or mandate in the insurance company that has signed the group insurance contract, and do not receive, or have not received during the same period, any remuneration from the same company.
At least half of the Supervisory Board’s members are representatives of the holders of the individual retirement savings plans subscribed to by the association. The association’s articles of association set out the procedures for appointing and dismissing members of the supervisory board, the duration and renewable nature of their term of office and the procedures for making provisional appointments in the event of a vacancy caused by the death, resignation or dismissal of one or more members between two general meetings.
The Supervisory Committee is chaired by a member who does not hold, or has not held in the three years prior to his election, any interest or mandate in the insurer signing the group insurance contract, and who does not receive, or has not received in the same period, any remuneration from the insurer. The procedures for its election are set out in the association’s articles of association.
The list of plan members may be consulted by the members of the plan’s supervisory committee or, where applicable, by the members of the association’s Board of Directors.