The presentation rules and methods used to prepare the documents mentioned in Article R. 232-3 may not be changed from one period to the next without justification in the reports mentioned in Article R. 232-4. These reports shall describe the impact of these changes.
The items in the cash flow statement, the projected financing plan and the projected income statement shall include an indication of the figure relating to the corresponding item in the previous financial year.
The items in the position of realisable and available assets, excluding going concern values, and current liabilities include an indication of the figures relating to the corresponding items for the previous two half-year periods.
The documents mentioned in Article R. 232-3 show, each insofar as it concerns, the company’s cash position, its forecast results and its means and forecasts of financing. Where appropriate, additional information is provided to enable the data contained therein to be reconciled with that in the annual accounts.
The projected income statement may include one or more variants where justified by particular circumstances.