I.-May access information recorded in the processing provided for in article R. 249-9 :
1° Judges and public prosecutors practising in all courts of first instance, appeal and cassation for the sole purpose of dealing with offences or proceedings referred to them, and judicial auditors for the sole purpose of carrying out the assignments entrusted to them;
2° Registry officers and persons authorised under the article R. 123-14 of the code de l’organisation judiciaire, as well as, for the sole purpose of carrying out the tasks entrusted to them, the legal assistants mentioned in article L. 123-4 of this same code and the judicial assistants mentioned in the article 20 of Law no. 95-125 of 8 February 1995 relating to the organisation of the courts and to civil, criminal and administrative procedure, who assist the magistrates mentioned in 1° ;
3° Delegates of the Public Prosecutor instituted under Article R. 15-33-30 of this code, to carry out the tasks entrusted to them by the judicial authority under articles 41-1 to 41-2 ;
4° The specialist assistants mentioned in Articles 628-9 and 706 of this Code, for the sole purpose of carrying out the tasks entrusted to them;
5° Lawyers, for the sole purpose of the proceedings for which they are responsible and for the sole purpose of consulting the said proceedings.
II.-The following are recipients of all or part of the information recorded in the processing provided for in article R. 249-9:
1° In the context of access to the case file and the minutes, in compliance with the provisions of this code: persons involved in the proceedings within the meaning of article 11, the lawyers, the parties;
2° Concerning the single personality file, the lawyers of the minor, his father and mother, guardian or legal representative and the civil party, the professionals of the judicial youth protection, the staff of the service or establishment of the authorised associative sector, under the conditions provided for by the Articles L. 322-8 to L. 322-10 of the juvenile criminal justice code;
3° Any administration, establishment, authority, or public or private person, authorised by virtue of specific legislative or regulatory provisions, to be provided with all or part of a criminal file or decision.