In the case of unhealthy and dirty work, the time spent in the shower in application of article R. 4228-8 is paid at the normal rate for working hours without being taken into account when calculating the actual working time.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book I: Working hours, rest periods and holidays | Title II: Hours of work, distribution and organisation of working hours | Chapter I: Working hours and working arrangements | Section 1: Actual work, standby duty and equivalent work | Subsection 1: Actual work | Paragraph 1: Public policy | Article R3121-1 of the French Labour Code
In the case of unhealthy and dirty work, the time spent in the shower in application of article R. 4228-8 is paid at the normal rate for working hours without being taken into account when calculating the actual working time.
En cas de travaux insalubres et salissants, le temps passé à la douche en application de l’article R. 4228-8 est rémunéré au tarif normal des heures de travail sans être pris en compte dans le calcul de la durée du travail effectif.
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