To be admissible, referrals sent to the Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique by duly constituted professional defence bodies, collective management bodies and the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée or bailiff’s reports drawn up at the request of a right-holder under the conditions provided for in Article L. 331-19 must include:
1° The personal data and information mentioned in 1° of the appendix to decree no. 2010-236 of 5 March 2010 relating to the automated processing of personal data authorised by article L. 331-23 of the Intellectual Property Code, known as the “System for the management of measures for the protection of works on the Internet”;
2° A statement on honour to the effect that the author of the referral is entitled to act on behalf of the holder of rights in the work or protected object concerned by the facts.
On receipt of the referral, the authority will acknowledge receipt electronically.