The plan rules specify any changes to the initial investment choice that may occur when the employee leaves the company.
Without prejudice to the provisions of the fifth paragraph of article L. 214-164 and the seventh paragraph of article L. 214-165 of the Monetary and Financial Code, the signatories of the agreement may modify the allocation of employees’ savings invested in undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities or collective investments covered by paragraphs 1, 2 and 6 of sub-section 2, paragraph 2 or sub-paragraph 1 of the paragraph of sub-section 3, or sub-section 4 of section 2 of chapter IV of title 1 of book II of the Monetary and Financial Code when the characteristics of the new undertakings or collective investments are identical to those of the undertakings or collective investments previously provided for.
If the allocation of the sums is changed during the lock-up period, the total duration of the lock-up period is not affected.