I.-Within the limit set by article L. 3334-8, days of leave invested in the collective retirement savings plan, at the request of the employee, are invested for the value of the leave allowance calculated in accordance with the provisions of articles L. 3141-24 to L. 3141-27.
II – The rules of the collective retirement savings plan provide for the default allocation of sums corresponding to the share of the special profit-sharing reserve allocated to the beneficiary, allocated to the collective retirement savings plan when it has been set up in the company, in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of article L. 3334-11.
Where several collective retirement savings plans have been set up within the company, the sums are allocated to the company’s collective retirement savings plan or, failing that, to the group’s collective retirement savings plan. In the absence of either of these plans, the sums are allocated to the inter-company collective retirement savings plan.