The employee savings book provided for in Article L. 3341-6 is drawn up on any durable medium and is given to each employee when his or her employment contract is concluded. It includes:
1° A reminder of the following employee savings schemes, when they are set up in the company:
a) Profit-sharing ;
b) Profit-sharing ;
c) The company savings plan ;
d) The inter-company savings plan;
e) Collective retirement savings plan or collective company retirement savings plan;
2° Where applicable, a certificate indicating the nature and amount of the rights linked to the special profit-sharing reserve and the date on which any employee rights for the current financial year will be distributed;
3° An indication of the terms and conditions for the allocation by default to the collective retirement savings plan or the collective company retirement savings plan of sums allocated in respect of profit-sharing, in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of Article L. 3334-11 of this Code and Article L. 224-3 of the Monetary and Financial Code;
4° The summary statement mentioned in article L. 3341-7 when the employee leaves the company.
The provisions of this article apply to the beneficiaries of a profit-sharing or employee savings plan agreement mentioned in article L. 3312-3, the second paragraph of article L. 3323-6, the third paragraph of article L. 3324-2 and the last paragraph of article L. 3332-2.