This Title, with the exception of article R. 355-34, is applicable in New Caledonia, the overseas territories and Mayotte, subject to the following adaptations:
1° In articles R. 355-33 and R. 355-38, the words “in the department” are replaced by the words “in New Caledonia” for New Caledonia, by the words “in the territory” for the overseas territories and by the words “in the departmental authority” for Mayotte ;
2° In article R. 355-33, the words: “du conseil départemental de l’ordre des médecins” are replaced by the words: “de l’organe de l’ordre” in New Caledonia, the overseas territories and Mayotte;
3° In article R. 355-35, the words “and article L. 145-2 of the Social Security Code” do not apply; the words:
“who have not been suspended under article L. 460 of this code” are replaced by the words:
“who has not, under locally applicable regulations, been temporarily suspended from the right to practise in consideration of an infirmity or pathological condition making it dangerous to practise the profession” in New Caledonia and French Polynesia, and by the words: “who have not been suspended under article 65 of order no. 45-2184 of 24 September 1945 relating to the practice and organisation of the professions of doctor, dental surgeon and midwife” in the overseas territories of Wallis and Futuna and the French Southern and Antarctic Territories;
4° In articles R. 355-35 and R. 355-37, the following words are added in New Caledonia and French Polynesia after the words:
“tableau de l’ordre des médecins”: “lorsque celui-ci existe”;
5° In article R. 355-49, the words: “applicable locally” are added after the words: “of the code of medical ethics”;
6° Article R. 355-36 does not apply to doctors who are governed by a territorial status in New Caledonia and French Polynesia.”