The single occupational risk assessment document and its earlier versions are kept available for a period of 40 years from the date of their preparation:
1° Workers and former workers for the versions in force during their period of activity in the company. Communication of versions of the single document prior to that in force on the date of the request may be limited to elements relating to the applicant’s activity. Workers and former workers may communicate the information made available to them to the health professionals in charge of their medical follow-up;
2° Members of the staff delegation of the social and economic committee;
3° The occupational health and prevention service mentioned in Article L. 4622-1;
4° Agents of the labour inspection system;
5° Officers from the prevention departments of social security bodies;
6° Agents of the professional bodies for health, safety and working conditions mentioned in Article L. 4643-1;
7° The radiation protection inspectors mentioned in Article L. 1333-29 of the Public Health Code and the agents mentioned in Article L. 1333-30 of the same code, with regard to the results of assessments relating to the exposure of workers to ionising radiation, for the installations and activities for which they are respectively responsible.
Until such time as the obligation to file the single occupational risk assessment document on a digital portal in accordance with the procedures laid down in B of V of Article L. 4121-3-1 of the Labour Code comes into force, the employer shall keep the successive versions of the single document within the company in the form of a paper or electronic document.
A notice indicating how workers can access the single document is posted in a suitable and easily accessible place in the workplace. In companies or establishments with internal regulations, this notice is displayed in the same place as the internal regulations.