The civic training referred to in 1° of article L. 413-3 presents:
1° French institutions, the values of the Republic, in particular freedom, equality, including equality between men and women, fraternity, secularism, the rule of law, fundamental freedoms, the safety of persons and property, the exercise of citizenship, the rights and duties associated with life in France, the history and main geographical features of France, as well as the major stages in the construction of Europe ;<2° French society and life in France, in particular access to employment, training and public services, housing, health, parental responsibilities and support systems, early childhood and childcare, schools, educational guidance and community life.
At the end of each day of training, the training organisation will provide the foreign national with a certificate of attendance on request.
An order from the minister responsible for reception and integration specifies the conditions under which civic training is organised, its duration and its content.