The commission provided for in Article L. 4163-18 is set up within each managing body at local level.
It is made up of:
1° Two members chosen by the employees’ full or alternate representatives on the fund’s Board of Directors, from among themselves or from the technical committees mentioned inarticle L. 215-4 of the Social Security Code ;
2° Two members chosen by the employers’ full or alternate representatives on the fund’s Board of Directors, from among themselves or from the technical committees mentioned in article L. 215-4 of the Social Security Code.
An equivalent number of alternates are appointed under the same conditions.
Each member of the commission is appointed for the entire term of office of the Board of Directors, provided that during this term of office he/she does not lose his/her status as a member of the Board of Directors or of a regional technical committee.
The chairman appointed by the committee from among its members for a period of one year is alternately a representative of the employees or a representative of the employers.
The secretariat of the Commission is provided by the Caisse.
The members of the commission are bound by a duty of confidentiality which covers the debates, votes and internal working documents. The provisions of articles L. 231-9 and L. 231-12 of the Social Security Code apply to the members of the commission.