If the competent minister to whom an appeal is lodged remains silent for more than four months on a decision taken in application of article R. 4216-33, the decision is deemed to have been rejected.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book II: Provisions applicable to workplaces | Title I: Obligations of the client for the design of workplaces | Chapter VI: Fire and explosion risks and evacuation | Section 9: Exemptions from the administrative authority | Article R4216-34 of the French Labour Code
If the competent minister to whom an appeal is lodged remains silent for more than four months on a decision taken in application of article R. 4216-33, the decision is deemed to have been rejected.
Le silence gardé pendant plus de quatre mois par le ministre compétent saisi d’un recours hiérarchique contre une décision prise en application de l’article R. 4216-33 vaut décision de rejet.
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