The premises to which workers normally have access are served by clearances, the number and width of which are specified in the following table:
TOTAL NUMBER of passage units |
Less than 20 people | 1 | 1 |
20 to 50 people | 1 + 1 accessory | 1 |
(a) or 1 (b) |
2 | |
51 to 100 people | 2 | 2 |
or 1 + 1 clearance accessory (a) |
2 | |
101 to 200 people | 2 | 3 |
201 to 300 people | 2 | 4 |
301 to 400 people | 2 | 5 |
From 401 to 500 people | 2 | 6 |
Above the first 500 people: – the number of clearances is increased by one for every 500 people or fraction thereof; – the cumulative width of the clearances is calculated on the basis of one passageway unit for every 100 people or fraction thereof. In the case of the renovation or fitting-out of an establishment in an existing building, the width of 0.90 m may be reduced to 0.80 m. |
(a) An accessory passageway may consist of an exit, a staircase, a gangway, a walkway, an underground passageway or a fast and safe path of movement, at least 0.60 m wide, or a balcony, a terrace or a fixed ladder. (b) This solution is acceptable if the route to the outside is no more than 25 metres and if the premises served are not underground. |