The declaration of a société de participations financières de profession libérale de conseils en propriété industrielle shall be sent collectively by the partners, who shall appoint a common agent, to the Director General of the Institut national de la propriété industrielle by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, or delivered against receipt.
This declaration shall be accompanied, on pain of inadmissibility, by the following documents:
1° A copy of the company’s articles of association;
2° A certificate from the registrar responsible for keeping the trade and companies register at the place of the registered office stating that the application, the attached deeds and the documents required for the subsequent registration of the financial holding company have been filed at the registry, or any document attesting to the registration ;
3° The list of members with, as appropriate, an indication of their profession or status with regard to Article R. 422-51-1, followed, for each, by an indication of the share of the capital they hold in the company whose registration is requested.
The declaration shall, where applicable, be accompanied by an information note designating the company or companies for the independent practice of industrial property attorneys whose shares will be held by the financial holdings company and specifying the breakdown of the capital that will result from these holdings for each of them.