Heat-generating equipment, together with its pipes and chimneys, must be installed in such a way that it cannot spread fire to building materials, materials and objects likely to be placed in the vicinity, or to workers’ clothing.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book II: Provisions applicable to workplaces | Title II: Employer's obligations regarding use of the workplace | Chapter VII: Fire and explosion risks and evacuation | Section 3: Space heating | Article R4227-18 of the French Labour Code
Heat-generating equipment, together with its pipes and chimneys, must be installed in such a way that it cannot spread fire to building materials, materials and objects likely to be placed in the vicinity, or to workers’ clothing.
Les appareils de production-émission de chaleur, ainsi que leurs tuyaux et cheminées, sont installés de façon à ne pouvoir communiquer le feu aux matériaux de construction, aux matières et objets susceptibles d’être placés à proximité et aux vêtements des travailleurs.
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